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Salicylic Acid: Your Secret Weapon Against Ingrown Hairs

Salicylic Acid: Your Secret Weap...
Jul 08, 24

You might have heard about salicylic acid many times in your life, especially while going through an acne or ingrown hair treatment aisle in a store. Uneven hairs can cause the growth of ingrown ti...

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Salon Spotlight: Belle Beauty

Salon Spotlight: Belle Beauty
Mar 16, 23

November is here and so is the frost. We have been cosying up for a natter with this month's Superstar Spotlight. We will be talking with Lucy from Belle Beauty in the wonderful spa town of Malvern. 

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Scratch Salon

Salon Spotlight: Scratch Salon
Oct 05, 22

This month we are speaking with two wonderful ladies from Scratch Nail & Beauty Salon in Stourbridge. We will be nattering with both Chantal Chambers, Owner of Scratch Salon & Jennie Ingram...

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Salon Spotlight: Nourish Beauty Studio

Salon Spotlight: Nourish Beauty ...
Sep 06, 22

How is it September already?! The year of 2020 was a hard one, and 2021 wasn't much better but then 2022 arrived and we got the majority of our freedom back. With beauty salons getting back to capa...

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Salon Spotlight: Fontana Beauty

Salon Spotlight: Fontana Beauty
Jan 26, 21

 Welcome to our new Spotlight feature: giving our amazing LYCON UK users an opportunity to shine.  With unrivalled results, almost pain-free treatments and a network of fantastic therapists using o...

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How To Get Rid of Ingrown Hairs

How To Get Rid of Ingrown Hairs
Jan 12, 21

To understand how to get rid of Ingrown Hairs, you first need to understand what causes them, so that you can start to take preventative measures before you run into any problems. In some respects,...

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